Random notes...
This is a brief log of all the information I am accumulating for our time in Chile.
Best Maps for Chile:
http://www.chileturcopec.cl/contenido/guias-chiletur-copec-2013 I picked up a copy at a local gas station. They have them under the counter and cost around $13,000 clp.
Best way to feel out the auto market in Chile:
Apartment rental in Concepcion (This is where we might live)
The school the kids might go to:
Medical Coverage.
The family and I will maintain full coverage while we are away. All medical services we do in Concepcion will go through the Clínica Sanatorio Alemán. Our provider, Blue Cross, works with another international coordinator called BlueCard Worldwide who administrates our reimbursements. If we have any questions we can call their number collect from anywhere in the world (001-804-673-1678) to get information on which provider to visit where. In the states their number is 1-877-547-2903. We are on a "pay-and-claim" system where for routine visits we do not need pre-authorization, but must pay the full balance upfront. We then submit a claim for the treatment. This submission includes:
- The medical report prepared for the visit.
- a detailed invoice including dates
- a detailed description of the services including a breakdown of the incurred costs.